WISCONSIN — Severe weather season is approaching for Wisconsin. Lets take a closer look at tornadoes and how they have impacted the state in the past.
Tornadoes can occur at nearly any point in the year in Wisconsin; February is the only month with zero tornadoes on record. However, the peak season for tornadoes arrives with warmer temperatures. May, June, July, and August bring the most tornado days, with the peak occurring in June.
Based on data from 1981-2010, Wisconsin has an average of 23 tornadoes per year, although some years there are more, and some fewer.

Now is a good time to review your severe weather safety plan with your family. Make sure you have multiple ways to get severe weather warnings (weather radio, phone alerts, television, radio, outdoor sirens) and know where you will go in the event of a tornado.
If you have a question for the weather team, or an idea for a blog, let us know at weather@tmj4.com