

Free clinic teaches young Black girls how to play golf

A local nonprofit, We Black We Golf, hosted a free golf clinic to help young Black girls involved in golf.

MILWAUKEE — From connecting with first-timers to having a fun day in the sun, one local group is working to make golf courses a place for everyone.

We Black We Golf(WBWG) hosted the first-ever Young Women’s Golf Clinic at Lincoln Park Golf Course, bringing together girls of color from around Milwaukee to learn the basics of golf. They partnered with the Milwaukee Chapter of the Links Corporation.

“Today is critically important because we want to introduce young women to the game and business of golf,” Dina Abercrombie, a board member at WBWG, said.

The clinic provided the girls an opportunity to learn the mechanics, etiquette, and business of the sport.

Some of the girls at the clinic had no experience at all, picking up a club for the very first time Friday.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for 11 years, so finally being able to do it is really nice,” Echo Crystal, one of the girls, said.

Others play golf regularly on their school’s team.

“It’s great to see the representation. Even on my school’s team, there’s no young, Black girls. It’s important to see that representation and it makes me want to be that representation,” Angela Dale, a golfer at Nicolet High School, said.

The Wisconsin State Golf Association said there are roughly 550 professional golfers in Wisconsin. Of those, only 20 are women, and none are Black women.

“Golf is typically white, male-dominated, so it’s just very encouraging today to see so many young Black women and Black instructors here to give us pointers,” Dale smiled.

Abercrombie said that along with fitness, the sport also provides stress relief and a way to make new relationships. As a Black, female golfer, she said she hopes to inspire the youth.

“If you can’t see it, you can’t be it. I want to make sure they see us out here golfing,” Abercrombie said.

The group welcomes all skill levels every second Sunday of the month at various courses around the city. They hope to do more clinics in the future.

For more information, you can visit their website.

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