

Cedarburg junior training to be a professional wrestler


At Papa Luigi's in South Milwaukee, Kal Herro trains and dreams to be a pro wrestler.

"Usually people are shocked like hey, really?  You're a pro wrestler?" Herro said.

 Kal is a 16-year-old Junior at Cedarburg High School. And Saturday at the House of Hardcore Blizzard Brawl at the Waukesha County Expo Center, he'll show off what he's learned in a match.

"I know I'm not the best now, but being a junior in high school, I'm very proud with the progress I've made.  The stuff I've learned over the past two months has really made me feel like that I'm very talented for my age," Herro said.

Angel Armani trains and oversees Kal's progress.

"People should be athletic, but it's not necessarily 100 percent. If you can work on a strong personality and a smart gimmick? You can actually hide your weaknesses," Armani said.  

As for Kal, he has big dreams.

"I wanna go all the way.  I want to make it to the WWE. Go to WrestleMania. Make it to the Hall of Fame and be on TV. That's my goal, and that's what I'm fighting for every week," he said.