Between the Hips: A Practical Guide for Women:Gone are the days when women had to accept their symptoms just because they had a baby, got older, or were plagued with "female trouble." With Dr. Megan Rorabeck as your guide, you can finally shine a light on your pelvic health challenges, become empowered, and learn solid solutions. She joins us with Molly Sommerhalder, yoga teacher, to talk about women's health and exploring the 4th trimester.
Women's Health: Exploring the 4th Trimester
Between the Hips: A Practical Guide for Women

Between the Hips: A Practical Guide for Women: Gone are the days when women had to accept their symptoms just because they had a baby, got older, or were plagued with "female trouble." With Dr. Megan Rorabeck as your guide, you can finally shine a light on your pelvic health challenges, become empowered, and learn solid solutions. She joins us with Molly Sommerhalder, yoga teacher, to talk about women's health and exploring the 4th trimester.

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