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Turning Pain into Power

Battle Scar Kids Foundation

At age 11, Jamar Jackson-Wilson tragically lost his vision in his right eye as a victim of a fireworks incident. This life-changing event came with many unexpected challenges, mentally and physically, which made Jamar question his existence. He felt isolated, depressed, and had lost all hope and purpose. Prior to the incident he had dreamed of playing basketball and making it to the NBA. However, his dream was shattered that July 4.

It would take years to heal, and it was through creative and imaginative storytelling that Jamar was able to recover and turn his pain into power. This led him to help others do the same through the creation of Battle Scar Kids, which was also conceived to help bring hope and light back into the lives of those who have experienced trauma, as well as help them get back to a life where dreams still come true.

For more information on Battle Scar Kids or how to donate, visit