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The Unlucky Ones

Author Hannah Morrissey

Hannah Morrissey is here to talk about her new release book. In this gripping follow-up to Hello, Transcriber, Hazel returns to Black Harbor after her ex-husband, Tommy Greenlee, is found murdered under mysterious circumstances. As tensions rise in the crime-ridden city, Hazel teams up with Detective Nikolai Kole, her former lover, to solve the case and confront their complicated past. Inspired by real-life crime, the story delves deep into the darkest corners of Black Harbor, revealing shocking secrets and dangerous truths. As Hazel and Kole uncover the truth, they must face their own demons while navigating a volatile relationship with high stakes.

Book signings :
April 27 - Boswell Books with fellow thriller author, Ashley Winstead in Milwaukee
April 29 - Independent Bookstore Day at Blue House Books in Kenosha

For more information visit: Hannah Morrissey