Headscape: How a Bald Guy Replanted His Hair and Restarted His Life is a humorous personal memoir that takes you on one man's journey from bold to bald and back again. It begins with Chris Schroder's first haircut and meanders through two marriages, several states and various jobs, ending with his revealing his new youthful look. The reactions were not what he expected, leading the author to several unintended discoveries. For more information, please click here.

Headscape: How a Bald Guy Replanted His Hair and Restarted His Life is a humorous personal memoir that takes you on one man's journey from bold to bald and back again. It begins with Chris Schroder's first haircut and meanders through two marriages, several states and various jobs, ending with his revealing his new youthful look. The reactions were not what he expected, leading the author to several unintended discoveries. For more information, please click here.

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