Collin Yelich and Omar Shaikh are here today to tell us about the upcoming Christian Yelich Home Plate Charity Benefit. On Thursday, May 11, Milwaukee Brewers All-Star Outfielder, Christian Yelich, is hosting an annual event to raise funds to upgrade little league fields in the Milwaukee area. The evening will be full of interactive elements and will include various food and drink vendors from the Milwaukee community. Live and silent auctions, games for all ages and live performances will keep guests involved.
For more information, visit online at Christian Yelich's Home Plate Charity Benefit.
Support Local Little League Fields With A Major Player
Christian Yelich's Home Plate Charity Benefit

Collin Yelich and Omar Shaikh are here today to tell us about the upcoming Christian Yelich Home Plate Charity Benefit. On Thursday, May 11, Milwaukee Brewers All-Star Outfielder, Christian Yelich, is hosting an annual event to raise funds to upgrade little league fields in the Milwaukee area. The evening will be full of interactive elements and will include various food and drink vendors from the Milwaukee community. Live and silent auctions, games for all ages and live performances will keep guests involved. For more information, visit online at Christian Yelich's Home Plate Charity Benefit.

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