It can be hard to cope with seeing a loved one struggle with Alzheimer's disease but healthy and strong caregivers can really make a difference. Marty Schreiber talks about the importance of of caregivers taking care of themselves to capture moments of joy with the people you love who may be affected by this disease. As well as the importance of maintaining your health as a caregiver and different ways in which caregivers can maintain their physical and mental health. Marty took care of his wife Elaine for many years. Marty is a big advocate for Alzheimer's awareness and for caregivers coping. He shares many of his real life experiences in hopes of helping other. It can be helpful for both caregivers and people with Alzheimer's to let go of the person they once knew, and embrace the person who they are now. Visit or for more information.

It can be hard to cope with seeing a loved one struggle with Alzheimer's disease but healthy and strong caregivers can really make a difference. Marty Schreiber talks about the importance of of caregivers taking care of themselves to capture moments of joy with the people you love who may be affected by this disease. As well as the importance of maintaining your health as a caregiver and different ways in which caregivers can maintain their physical and mental health. Marty took care of his wife Elaine for many years. Marty is a big advocate for Alzheimer's awareness and for caregivers coping. He shares many of his real life experiences in hopes of helping other. It can be helpful for both caregivers and people with Alzheimer's to let go of the person they once knew, and embrace the person who they are now. Visit or email for more information.

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