Most people don’t realize that there is a natural gas explosion every 2 days in the U.S. The good news is natural gas explosions are completely preventable with natural gas alarms available now to detect leaks before the explosions occur. Julie Harris, Senior Marketing and Communications Manager for New Cosmos USA joins us today to talk about the DeNova Detect Natural Gas Alarm and the importance of detecting gas this National Safety Month. To learn more about natural gas safety, go to DeNova Detect. You can also check out their feature on
June is National Safety Month – Let’s talk Natural Gas Safety!
New Cosmos USA

Most people don’t realize that there is a natural gas explosion every 2 days in the U.S. The good news is natural gas explosions are completely preventable with natural gas alarms available now to detect leaks before the explosions occur. Julie Harris, Senior Marketing and Communications Manager for New Cosmos USA joins us today to talk about the DeNova Detect Natural Gas Alarm and the importance of detecting gas this National Safety Month. To learn more about natural gas safety, go to DeNova Detect. You can also check out their feature on

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