Beth Ridley, CEO of Ridley Consulting Group joins us to address the rise of cynicism, especially in the workplace. In 2022, nearly 60% of people said their default is to not trust others or their employer. Beth hopes to reduce cynicism by offering her knowledge about what workplace cynicism is, why it's increasing at work, why it's harmful, and what strategies help decrease it. Beth understands that it will take time to diminish cynicism, but with these strategies there will gradually be a more positive and engaged work environment. For more information, visit online at Ridley Consulting Group.

Beth Ridley, CEO of Ridley Consulting Group joins us to address the rise of cynicism, especially in the workplace. In 2022, nearly 60% of people said their default is to not trust others or their employer. Beth hopes to reduce cynicism by offering her knowledge about what workplace cynicism is, why it's increasing at work, why it's harmful, and what strategies help decrease it. Beth understands that it will take time to diminish cynicism, but with these strategies there will gradually be a more positive and engaged work environment. For more information, visit online at Ridley Consulting Group.

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