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Critical Guidance for Business Owners Thinking About Selling

with Xartis Wealth Advisory Group

Business owners planning to exit their business are on a journey that involves meticulous consideration of both personal and business financial needs. These owners often find their wealth intricately tied to the success of their ventures, making a well-thought-out exit plan crucial and anxiety producing.

For business owners, not only their income, but every aspect of their lives is impacted by the business. Charting a path forward to realize the value of the business, and what is next for them personally, requires a lot of navigating. Like with most things, great planning is critical.

Joining us today is Jeff Cismoski, Principal and Founder of Xartis Wealth Advisory Group. Jeff’s firm helps business owners find the path forward to make the right financial decisions for themselves, their families, AND their business.

To learn more about Xartis Wealth Advisory Group, you can go to In addition, you can check out the award-winning Insider94 Midwest Business Journal at