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Carole's Summer Thrillers - Part 1

Barrowman on Books
Posted at 11:34 AM, May 29, 2024

Carole Barrowman, Retired professor at Alverno College, Author of the Hollow Earth series, Book Reviewer, and now full-time writer/grandma brings us her part 1 of Summer Thrillers: ( We are also saying farewell to in-studio segment with Carole as she moves to Minnesota for retirement. But she promises some zooms)

The Last Hope by Susan Elia MacNeal (Bantam)

This is the series you should binge read this summer. Set during WWII, in this final installment our hero and spy for British intelligence, Maggie Hope, is asked to do something she’s never done before, assassinate someone. While Maggie contemplates this terrifying request, Coco Chanel is weaving her own machinations as a spy in Europe. All the Barrowmans love Maggie!

If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay (Minotaur)

What do you do when the terrible tragedy you’ve run from in your past finally catches up to you? Keep running? Or turn and face it? This gripping thriller takes Ryan, a law student from Kansas, from Tuscany to Paris to a small town in England as he searches for the truth to what really happened that night.

What You Leave Behind by Wanda Morris (WM Morrow)

Fans of Attica Locke’s mysteries will love this layered story about legacies and the land we build them on. Deena Woods uncovers fraud involving the stolen land of Black families in Georgia.