ShowsThe Morning Blend


Bolster Your Cybersecurity


Dave Lewis, Global Advisory CISO at Cisco Security join us to talk about arming yourself with the tools to stay safe in a digital world. 82% of companies expect to be breached; 15% feel fully prepared. What can you do to protect yourself? 

After surveying over 6,700 cybersecurity leaders worldwide,Cisco found that less than 15% of companies were ‘Mature’ enough (or considered to have advanced enough security) to defend against modern cybersecurity risks, even though 82% of respondents said they expect a cybersecurity incident to disrupt their business in the next two years. While this may not seem to directly impact consumers at first, the aftermath can take a large toll on the public, causing emails, credit cards and personal information to be leaked on the internet.
Dave Lewis will be able to provide expert insights and share the top tips and tricks to help you create your cybersecurity resolutions.