ShowsThe Morning Blend


Blend Extra: What Saunas can do for YOU

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People associate saunas with a nice way to wind down from the day, probably without thinking about what they can do for your health; Fred and Kiya Bachmann are here to tell you that, not only are saunas relaxing, but they're also very beneficial when it comes to your health!

Bachmann's has a wide variety you can choose from. Their showroom is a fantastic place to start if you're looking for a new way to wind down and improve your health. They hold 3 different kinds of saunas in their space: infrared, traditional, and hybrid.

Now is the time to take advantage of their new special offer, $500 off ALL in stock saunas during the month of November! Come try out the saunas Bachmann's has to offer and take your wind down time seriously.