Serenity Heights, a new novel from Bill Zaferos. He wrote his second novel in his "well-medicated right mind." The result is the wild tale of "Rockin' Donnie" Derringer, a burned-out shock jock working the overnight shift at a tiny classic rock radio station in Deerhead, Minnesota. Donnie winds up in the local mental hospital, Serenity Heights, after a late-night call to a suicide hotline and to his girlfriend. Adventure ensues as he ultimately appears on a TV show called Losers on Parade. The results are disastrous.
Zaferos is an outspoken advocate on mental health issues, and he speaks openly about his own battle with mental illnesses, bipolar disorder and depression. Zaferos, who channeled his mental illness into creativity to write Poison Pen and releasing it in 2019, Zaferos, a former journalist, felt he needed to write another novel without the influence of his bipolar disorder. The result is Serenity Heights, a wild satire on mental illnesses and shaming culture. For more information, please visit