Local school districts are making plans to honor seniors this spring, but what that looks like varies from school to school.
Both Brookfield East and Central high schools plan to hold prom and in-person graduation ceremonies.
Here's a look at Brookfield Central's planned graduation layout:
It will be held at their Harrison-Thomas Stadium on Friday, June 11 at 7:30 p.m.
East graduate can have eight guests who will sit in pods together and physically distanced from other families.

Details for proms for each school are still being worked out but Central does know that it will hold both junior and senior proms on May 8. Both dances will be held at the high school but in different places. A negative COVID-19 test will be required to attend, along with mask-wearing when not eating. Other safety measures will also be in place.

Kettle Moraine High School in Waukesha County has canceled its traditional prom. The school is proud that it has been able to offer in-person classes, five days a week from the beginning of the school year and officials didn't want to jeopardize safety with a dance, where contract tracing would be difficult.
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Kettle Moraine High School administrators worked with student leaders to create a special "senior weekend" instead.
It will start the last day of school, June 4, with a senior breakfast and student send-off. The school will host a dressy senior gala Saturday night, and graduation will be on June 6. The senior gala will be at Western Lakes Golf Club and have safety measures in place, including assigned seats.
Franklin High School says students are working with administrators to see what kind of events the school can host for seniors this year.
They do know that graduation will be in-person at American Family Field on Sunday, June 20, 10 days after the last day of school.
Shorewood High School has also canceled prom. Leaders are looking at the possibility of an alternative senior event. The school will be holding graduation in-person this year.
Greendale High School will be holding prom this year. The school tells TMJ4 it will be held in late May at Western Lakes Golf Club in Waukesha County.
Officials say the venue is large enough with indoor and outdoor space to allow for physical distancing. Safety measures will be in place with face coverings and assigned tables. Graduation is scheduled for June 12. Students will be able to walk across a stage and celebrate with family.
However, the district is still working on what that will look like.