PEWAUKEE, Wis. — Across the county, including here in Pewaukee, women are coming together to help each other professionally and personally.
It is called Mentoring Monday. The yearly event happens on the same day in 40 cities across the country. More than 7,000 people participated on Monday, including Waukesha County reporter Rebecca Klopf.

“I knew with all certainty that you were going to be the first person I was going to come and speak to,” said Marisol Sanchez to Rebecca.
Marisol said she came to the event not just to network but also to help her college daughter connect with other business people, including Rebecca.

Fellow mentor and CEO of Zizzo Group, Anne Zizzo, says this is her third year doing Mentoring Monday. She says there are a few women she sees year after year.
“As we talked, she just needed a couple of life tools on what she could do to take care of herself so she could get re-energized about approaching her business,” Anne said.

The Milwaukee Business Journal's market president, Heather Ladage, says every city that has a Business Journal newspaper is hosting a Mentoring Monday, and they have been doing it for 12 years.
Watch: Thousands of women across the country participate in Mentoring Monday
“It is a program that gives a chance for up-and-coming women or women who are further along in their careers to literally talk to the top female leaders in southeast Wisconsin,” Heather said.

Mentors say the conversation needs to be more than just business because you can only make strides in your career if you look at all parts of your life.

“By coming together, we can find empowerment, safe places to talk about work-life balance, and all the things women are trying to accomplish as they grow their careers and try to take care of their families and themselves,” Anne said.
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