A woman in Waterford is being remembered for touching the lives of others for decades through her skills in the kitchen.
Thai Italina’s head chef, Samarn Leksung Nern, better known to many—related or not—as “Grandma,” died in early November.
“We were very saddened to hear,” Jaclyn Skalnik said. “It's a significant loss in our community and especially for the family."
Skalnik’s 15-year-old son works at Thai Italina and she’s been a regular there for about 10 years.
“This is the best Thai food I’ve had outside of Thailand," she said. “I recommend it to anyone and everyone and people come here from all over southeastern Wisconsin for the food.

When she learned the restaurant would be temporarily closed following Grandma’s death, Skalnik wanted to help, so she set up a GoFundMe.
“We wanted to do our best to ensure the business could stay open,” she explained, “and that the family could take the time that they need to grieve without having to worry about money.”
Grandma’s daughter Jong Dee Bounyong knows the loss leaves Thai Italina not just without a head chef but the heart behind their success.
“She cook with her passion,” Jung Dee added. "When she cook, she put attention, she make sure that her food, every plate, every single item that she serve, it has to be good, it has to be tasty."

Both Jung Dee and her husband Paul Bounyong told TMJ4’s Tahleel Mohieldin that they were devasted by the unexpected loss of the 70-year-old but are determined to keep the business going.
"I wanted her to retire because she works so hard, and she worked all her life already,” Jung Dee said. "This is her legacy. That she want us to do for our family."
Watch: Supporting the family of a local favorite restaurant.
The couple said they’re thankful for the help they’ve gotten from the community so far. They said each donation serves as a reminder of Grandma’s impact on the community.
"We kind of recognized that's our customers,” Paul said of GoFundMe participants. “Somehow they just—they remember grandma, they miss her."
"As soon as they come in they say 'Hi grandma' and before they leave they say "Bye grandma,” he recalled. "She's in their heart.”
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