It's the oldest police band in the country. People from all walks of life coming together to share their talent for the good of the city. It's a musical gem that's Positively Milwaukee.
The Milwaukee Police Band was established in 1898. It boasts a wide repertoire of music. Players are a diverse group of current and retired police officers. Civilians are welcome.
Members volunteer dozens of hours of community service through their free concerts. The MPD Bluecoats, a smaller group often performs at local elementary schools.
"It's an enormous happiness that comes to me because I think we're sharing our music with others and they are enjoying it," said Director Karen Dubis.
"Music is very underrated. It really has an emotional affect on people," Dubis also said. "You can't buy that, you cant smoke that, it's not a pill. It's something that you can just experience. That's why it's so cool to be with the Milwaukee Police Band and to be a community band that touches a lot of different people. That is very special."
Dubis who was with the Milwaukee Police Department for 37 years adds, "I feel the energy in that room, I just feel it. I feel the happiness and I'm just overjoyed that we can do that for the community, for the families, for our friends and for everyone who attends our concerts."
The Milwaukee Police Band is a 501 C-3 organization. That means your gifts are tax deductible. For more information on how you can donate go to