
Three Republican candidates for Wisconsin governor discuss stances on Roe v. Wade at debate, Michels absent


HOWARD, Wis. (NBC 26) — Three out of the four Republican candidates for Wisconsin governor debated at Providence Academy on Monday night. Tim Michels did not attend, but he was invited.

One young student asked candidates the question: "Where do you stand on the issue of abortion and with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, how will you proceed regarding Wisconsin's laws toward abortion?"

Former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch says she'll keep the state's preventive law intact.

"I am overjoyed and relieved, because I have fought my entire adult life for this moment to actually happen," Kleefisch said. "I am the only one running for governor who has spent her entire lifetime taking pregnancy tests."

Kevin Nicholson agrees. He says he has the endorsement of Pro-Life Wisconsin.

"As your governor, I want to make sure that every last cent that still finds its way from the State of Wisconsin to Planned Parenthood is shifted over to those pregnancy resource centers to protect innocent life," Nicholson said.

State Rep. Timothy Ramthun says he's happy Wisconsin has laws restricting abortion.

"I'm elated beyond measure that the Supreme Court of the United States followed the constitution and gave the rights back to the state," Ramthun said.

Candidates were also asked if they would remove officials who disregard the law.

"I will not hesitate to remove district attorneys who refuse to follow the law, whether it is on protecting the unborn, whether it is on refusing to prosecute election fraud," Kleefisch said.

"Those district attorneys or prosecutors that refuse to follow the law... as governor, I will fire them," Nicholson said.

"To have public officials state that they are in full opposition to a law, and they will violate it any chance and all chance they get, means that they need to be removed from that seat yesterday," Ramthun said.

The next gubernatorial debate is set for July 24 at Marquette University's Varsity Theater. TMJ4 will produce and broadcast the event live. Click here for more details.

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