(NBC News) A new study from SunTrust shows financial stress is killing the holiday vibe for nearly half of Americans.
The study also found 77 percent of people blew past their holiday budgets in 2017, and experts say similar overspending can impact financial goals beyond New Years.
"About one in four people impact their savings goals long term," said Brian Nelson Ford with SunTrust.
He recommends including hidden costs in your holiday budget, such as entertaining or travel. You can also curb gift-spending by making a shopping plan to find the best deals.
"Start the week before Black Friday, and extending about a week after is really good zone for shopping," said Lindsey Turrentine with CNET. You can also use discount apps and browser add-ons for extra savings.
If you consistently end the holidays with a financial hangover, make a goal to plan ahead for next year.
"Set New Year's resolutions, look I'm going to set up this account automatically, fund it, and then 12 months go by and the holidays roll around and you've got cash to spend on all those wonderful gifts for friends and family," said Ford.
The SunTrust survey also found those who have a handle on their money are happier. In fact, 64 percent of Americans with high financial confidence say the holidays are their favorite time of year.
Read more here.