(WOWT) Each sweep of Rusty Mailliard's broom inside Omaha, Nebraska's Oakdale Elementary brings him more pride knowing his floors are clean.
Two weeks ago, however, the janitor of nearly 15 years, took on a job that smelled a little off.
"Thought it might have been in one of the trash bags that I had already thrown in the dumpster," Mailliard says.
After finishing the lunch rush, Rusty was asked to dumpster dive through the day's trash.
"Fourth grader Rowan came up to me, somewhere after she was done eating and said she had lost her retainer and could I look for it," he says.
When she was done with the meal, she dumped the tray in the trash. She left for recess, but soon she realized the retainer was missing.
It was a fourth grader's worst case scenario: a brand new retainer thrown in garbage on baked bean and chicken sandwich day.
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