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Air traffic controllers sue Trump administration over lost wages during government shutdown


Thousands of members belong to the National Air Traffic Controllers Association union that is suing the Trump administration because they are being deprived of paychecks.

The lack of money coming their way is one of several things impacted by the government shutdown that is on Day 21. Many federally funded operations missed out on paychecks today — money being withheld until the country's leaders agree on an operational budget for the government.

The lawsuit claims the FAA did not promptly pay overtime to union members, which is a violation of regulations.

Here is a list from CNN reporting and other news outlets of 77 ways, large and small, that the partial government shutdown is affecting Americans nationwide.

77) In addition to sanitation problems (see below), National Park officials said people had destroyed Joshua trees at Joshua Tree National Park. Some reports suggested this was apparently done by off-roaders to make room for their vehicles.

76) AT&T and other mobile providers are waiving late fees for the furloughed.

75) Some diversions for furloughed federal workers: George Mason University is giving free basketball tickets , a zoo in Oregon is offering free admission .

74) JP Morgan lowered its GDP estimate to 2 percent from 2.25 percent for the first quarter, primarily citing the shutdown, according to CNBC.

73) Bureau of Land Management found reserve funds to open an Alaska office to hold public meetings on an agency plan that would make Arctic land available for oil and gas leasing purchases.

72) Miami airport will close one terminal for days due to TSA agents calling in sick.

71) The DOJ is asking a judge to put on hold a lawsuit brought by three senators who are challenging the President's appointment of Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker.

70) Trump canceled his planned trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

69) Taxicab and ride-sharing drivers in Washington reported less-than-average ridership as a result of there being fewer federal employees and tourists in the city during the shutdown, according to the Washington City Paper.

68) "US mass transit systems have temporarily lost financial aid that supports a wide range of needs, from daily maintenance and service to ongoing repair and expansion projects," according to a report from the credit ratings agency Moody's.

67) People missing immigration court dates because of the shutdown are being given new dates years from now, according to The New York Times.

66) Federal court offices operating with fees and other reserve funds will run out of money Jan. 18, according to National Law Journal.

65) The federal agencies that aren't funded are more susceptible to cyberattacks because cybersecurity is often augmented by contractors, experts told Roll Call.

64) Scientists had to cease their work for various federal research agencies, including NASA and the National Science Foundation, placing the results of delicate experiments in the balance.

63) The Pentagon isn't affected, but defense contractors who do business with multiple agencies are. Executives for two contractors told Defense One the shutdown is costing them $10 million per week in payroll for workers who have been idled. And the government is tens of millions behind in payments.

62) Lila Johnson, a federal contract employee who works as a janitor, told CNN she can't pay her bills.

61) Several Federal Trade Commission services have been paused, including its consumer identity theft reporting system.

60) Some states are more affected than others in terms of their concentration of federal workers.

59) The Federal Emergency Management Agency had stopped selling or renewing flood insurance, but quickly directed employees back to work after an outcry.

58) New research projects at US universities funded by agencies like the National Science Foundation could be delayed if the shutdown persists.

57) The US risks losing its AAA credit rating if the shutdown drags on, according to an executive with Fitch Ratings.

56) FBI agents will be working without pay as of Jan. 11. The FBI Agents Association says the shutdown will hamper recruiting efforts.

55) A lawsuit that claims Trump violated the emoluments clause with his Trump International Hotel in Washington has been placed on hold indefinitely, according to Politico.

54) Almost all civil cases in federal courts, including discrimination and whistleblower cases, have been delayed, according to The Washington Post.

53) The SEC has stopped reviewing and approving filings for initial public offerings, according to the Wall Street Journal.

52) Universities are claiming that the shutdown is affecting families' ability to verify their income through the IRS, making it harder for them to secure federal student loans, The Washington Post reported. The IRS denies the claims, according to the Post.

51) Federal workers around the country took part in rallies against the shutdown.

50) Julie Burr, a federal contract worker in Kansas City, Missouri, set up a GoFundMe account to help pay rent.

49) Banks and credit unions catering to federal workers offered assistance like no-interest payroll loans.

48) No new Freedom of Information Act requests at certain agencies.

47) USDA federal loans are on hold for people in rural areas, according to CNBC.

46) The $249 million in monthly mortgage payments that Zillow estimates unpaid federal workers make could be in jeopardy of not going to banks.

45) President Donald Trump gave advice to landlords of federal workers who can't pay rent. "I would encourage them to be nice and easy," he said.

44) National Transportation Safety Board investigations of fatal accidents have been put on hold.

43) Wildfire prep work and firefighter training have been halted as several thousand US Forest Service workers, and Smokey the Bear, are furloughed.

42) Not spending money actually costs the government money in interest, the ultimate back pay it will give without getting work in exchange, uncollected fees and more, according to The New York Times.

41) A pay raise for Vice President Mike Pence and Cabinet secretaries has been frozen.

40) More than 60 members of Congress are rejecting their pay during the shutdown, with some choosing to donate their paychecks.

39) About 41,000 active-duty Coast Guardsmen who are working without pay and are unsure when they'll see their next paychecks were told they should consider having garage sales.

38) The Federal Communications Commission has stopped most of its operations, including its Consumer Complaint Center.

37) DC businesses are giving federal employees discounts. There are free bagels from a bakery across from the closed National Zoo, and bottomless mimosas and bloody marys for $15 every day at a restaurant. Shutdown-themed drinks are being served at Capitol Hill bars.

36) The federal government missed paying its $5 million water bill to DC.

35) The office responsible for issuing marriage licenses in Washington, DC, was closed. The City Council passed an emergency bill to reopen it.

34) The Trump administration has promised that tax refunds will be mailed on time and has not yet delayed the tax filing day because it will call back workers from furlough.

33) The IRS isn't staffed to answer questions about changes from the new tax law.

32) Environmental Protection Agency pollution inspectors aren't on the job, according to The New York Times.

31) Farmers who would normally be looking to a Jan. 11 monthly report on the supply and demand of agricultural products to help determine what to plant next season will have to wait if the US Department of Agriculture remains closed.

30) The owner of a small IT company in North Carolina can't close on a Small Business Administration loan that's already been approved for a new commercial property. He could lose the property along with the money he's sunk into appraisals and fees, according to The Washington Post.

29) Employers can't use the federal system, E-Verify, to confirm whether workers are in the US legally.

28) The backlog in immigration cases is growing as many immigration courts are closed.

27) Border Patrol agents are still working, but without pay. Some Border Patrol officers have sued the Trump administration over the missing pay.

26) The National Hurricane Center is getting off schedule for badly needed upgrades to the main American weather model.

25) At Yellowstone, some private companies that run tours have been performing some maintenance to keep facilities open, according to reports.

24) The National Park Service is using money for future projects to keep some parks open, drawing criticism that the funds are being misused.

23) Overflowing toilets and other safety concerns forced parts of Joshua Tree National Park in California to close.

22) The National Zoo is closed. While the animals are being cared for by workers who are not being paid, the popular panda cam has been turned off.

21) The Smithsonian's 19 museums in and around Washington have been closed.

20) States like Oklahoma are delaying contracts for new road and bridge work because of the uncertainty of federal funds.

19) Food programs, health care and paychecks are left in doubt for Native American tribes.

18) The Department of Housing and Urban Development hasn't been able to renew roughly 1,650 contracts with private building owners who rent units to thousands of low-income tenants who rely on the federal government to help pay their rent.

17) Federal prison workers in Florida's Panhandle were already having to commute 400 miles because of Hurricane Michael. They'll have to keep doing it without paychecks or expense reimbursement for now, according to The New York Times.

16) At a prison in Greenville, Illinois, where prison employees work without pay, they are having trouble finding workers to staff overtime shifts, according to the Belleville News-Democrat.

15) Thousands of Secret Service agents are working without pay.

14) Air traffic controllers missed their first paychecks on Jan. 10, and received pay stubs showing net pay of $0.00.

13) One of Hubble telescope's main instruments stopped working and it may not be repaired by NASA until the shutdown ends, according to Nature.

12) A program that provides food assistance to more than 7 million low-income pregnant women, new mothers and young children (WIC) has funding to last through January.

11) SNAP benefits (food stamps) will eventually be curtailed, but they will be able to continue through February, according to USDA.

10) Federal contractors could be losing a combined $200 million per day, according to an analysis by Bloomberg Government.

9) The Department of Justice has asked for a delay to a lawsuit that could invalidate the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, under which millions obtain health insurance.

8) Pending company mergers are being slowed because the Securities and Exchange Commission isn't fully staffed.

7) The FDA has stopped some inspections of food, including fruit, meat, seafood and vegetables, according to the agency's administrator.

6) With nearly 50% of the US Food and Drug Administration off the job due to the shutdown, some agency employees worry about the safety and health of the American public.

5) Transportation Security Administration workers have engaged in sickouts (alo see #71) to silently protest being forced to work without pay or to take temporary jobs in order to pay their bills.

4) In the January jobs report, most of the workers who have been furloughed will be counted as unemployed, affecting the unemployment rate.

3) Many tens of thousands of contractors who rely on the federal government but are not full-time employees are not being paid and are less likely to receive back pay.

2) 420,000 federal employees are working without pay.

1) 380,000 federal workers are furloughed and not being paid.