MILWAUKEE — With the new year comes resolutions. I, like many people, resolve to eat healthier and lose weight, but let's be real, I don’t have time to spend hours in the gym, so I wanted to check out EMS Training. EMS stands for Electro Muscle Stimulation, and I was impressed!
Spouses, Johanna and Jonas Rolf opened Myocyte a few years ago, and it is one of the few places in the Milwaukee area that offers this kind of workout. “Myocyte means - actually means - muscle cell in Latin, and since we work with muscles in our training, we decided to call our business Myocyte," said Johanna.
So, how does it work? I put on a vest, a band around my hips, and bands on my arms and thighs, then Jonas attached leads which would deliver an electrical impulse forcing the muscles to contract. I was then connected to the equipment delivering the electrical pulses, which act as resistance, and the workout began.
Though I was exhausted after 10 minutes, the session took about 20 minutes. The pulse acts as resistance, making the time spent doing the EMS workout feel like triple the time spent weightlifting in the gym.
This kind of workout is safe, challenging and appropriate for all fitness levels. I will definitely be doing it again!