NewsMilwaukee Tonight


Hidden Gems: Finding a creative way to let go of pain with artist Brianna Hernández Baurichter

Posted 7:02 PM, Jun 02, 2021
and last updated 11:57 PM, Jun 02, 2021

MILWAUKEE — Let me ask you this - have you ever felt afraid and so helpless that you just wanted to smash something, to break dishes perhaps while screaming?

This is how artist Brianna Hernández Baurichter says she felt at the end of her mother’s life.

“I looked around the room at all the plates and wanted to smash every one of them,” said Brianna.

Unfortunately, this is something we shall all face at some point: The stress, fear, and helplessness of loss. But unlike many of us, Brianna found an outlet for her pain and has brought beauty to an otherwise hopeless situation.

After losing her mother, Brianna did break plates and created a stunning video series depicting the stages of grief.

I was so encouraged by this talented young artist as she spoke with such peace about how cathartic her creative process was after her mother’s passing. I was also encouraged to smash up some plates and can I tell you, it felt good!

Now, may I encourage you to do two things: check out Brianna Hernández Baurichter and find a creative way to let go of your pain.

You can learn more about Brianna on her website.

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