MILWAUKEE — There are so many traditions that have fallen by the wayside over time, but I believe that there is still value to be found in ways of the past. Take weaving, for example; it is one of the oldest surviving practices in the world. And back in those days, every article of clothing worn was made from hand-woven cloth.

These days we don’t think of, or, dare I say appreciate, the ancient tradition of weaving. But at the ABK Weaving Center, another wonderful program offered through Milwaukee Recreation, it is alive and well.
I met with a group of weavers at the Frederick J. Gaenslen School, to see how it was done. It was interesting to see a room full of foot-operated looms, and though there were many weavers in the room, it seemed to be a singular and therapeutic process. Many of the weavers were creating fabrics for craft or smaller objects, but some were actually weaving cloth for garments.

I know, firsthand, the feeling of accomplishment brought on by creating something with your own two hands. If you’re looking for a “feel-good," check out weaving.
Classes are offered through their website here.