MILWAUKEE — Several people were injured in a dog attack Sunday near N. 84th St. and W. Melvina St.

It happened just after 10:00 a.m.
Emilio Jones and his sister, Elodia, were traveling home after grabbing coffee when they spotted a woman being attacked by two pit bulls.
"This lady that normally picks up garbage, she was getting attacked by two dogs, and then, I pulled over and I hopped out of the car," said Emilio.

He was able to get the dogs off her.
That's when the dogs turned on them, biting Emilio's legs over seven times. His sister was also bitten.
The two were able to kick the dogs off and escape back into their car.
"When I was driving to my house after I just got bit, I was just like, "Oh my god, everything hurts," said Emilio. "I felt like I was going to faint when I was going to urgent care."
The two were able to get home. Their mom rushed them to urgent care to be treated.
As Emilio and Elodia were escaping, parishioners were leaving service at St. Matthew's Ev. Lutheran Church.
Pastor Jonathan Balge tells TMJ4 that several members and some passing by rushed to the scene.
"A number of people got hurt badly," said Balge. "It happened because they were intervening to prevent further injury to other people."
Another person driving by stopped to help and was bitten badly. Balge says that person was then driven to the church for help.
A woman then tried to stop the dogs but she was taken down. One of the congregation members went to help her but then was attacked as well.
"People were willing to help people they didn’t know at all," said Balge. "That’s what I was able to see personally with several members of our church."

Balge says those intervening were able to grab hold of one of the dog's collars. Milwaukee Police had to subdue the other dog.
It is unclear how the attack started, but the injured were treated by paramedics and taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
Emilio said he was living in the moment and didn't think, just jumped into action to help a stranger.
"I would’ve felt bad if I didn’t, and I hope someone would stop for me if I was getting attacked by dogs," said Emilio.
Jones was able to get back to work on Monday but was still walking with a limp.
Balge says the dogs were owned by someone in the neighborhood.
According to the Milwaukee Police Department, there were two dogs on the loose but both of them were found and sent to Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control.
Both of the dogs were involved in the attack.
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