MILWAUKEE — Milwaukee Public School's Superintendent Keith Posley has resigned following an MPS special board meeting.
The Milwaukee Board of School Directors (MBSD) accepted his resignation unanimously after hours in a closed session, early Tuesday morning, according to a statement from MBSD.
It comes hours after the Milwaukee School Board convened for the meeting on Monday to discuss the status of Superintendent Keith Posley, after learning about the state potentially withholding funds because of long-overdue financial reports.

The directors heard from parents, taxpayers, former employees, and even city leaders.
Many called for Posley's resignation, along with others on the board too, saying a lack of transparency and discrepancy in funds is a longstanding issue within MPS.
”Accountability. I think that's probably my biggest concern. As an elected official I want my constituents to hold me accountable, just like the parents and the families and the residents here are holding the school board accountable,” said District 10 Alderwoman Sharlen Moore. "We need accountability and when things aren't working right, we need decisions that are going to be made to change those outcomes."

Moore was just elected this past spring. She says she has kids in MPS and says she's been concerned about these issues for years.
She told TMJ4 that she attended the meeting Monday night to support students, families, and Milwaukee taxpayers who deserve to know what's going on with the district's finances.
Other aldermen attended, including 5th District Alderman Lamont Westmoreland. He has been vocal for the last week, calling out MPS saying he's disgusted and embarrassed by the ongoing failures.
"I'm not one to put something out like that and sit behind the scenes. I'm here with the people. They're pissed off, I'm pissed off. I'm a taxpayer,” said Alderman Lamont Westmoreland. “I don't have kids in MPS, however, I represent thousands of families that do have kids in MPS, and not everybody can afford to pull those kids from MPS so they're forced, so we deserve better. "

The board went into a closed session to discuss the fourth agenda item, which was “possible action concerning the administrative assignment status of the superintendent."
They remained in closed session for over five hours.
Posley's resignation will go into effect on June 30, according to the statement from MBSD.
In the meantime, the Regional Superintendent for the Southwest Region, Eduardo Galvan, will support and facilitate day-to-day operations for students and families while MPS searches for an interim Superintendent. Mr. Galvan has served MPS for over thirty years, operating in many roles throughout the district.
The board will begin the search for an interim Superintendent right away.
Read the full statement from MBSD below:
"On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors accepted the resignation of Milwaukee Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Keith P. Posley, effective June 30, 2024.
In the meantime, Regional Superintendent for the Southwest Region, Eduardo Galvan, will support and facilitate day-to-day operations for students and families while MPS searches for an interim Superintendent. Mr. Galvan has served MPS for over thirty years, operating in many roles throughout the district. The Board has full confidence in Mr. Galvan’s leadership during this time.
The Board will begin the search for an interim Superintendent right away.
The Board cannot comment on personnel matters or on matters that are discussed during Executive Session."
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