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Milwaukee senior citizens celebrate long-awaited quinceañera

The United Community Center gave 9 women from Mexico, Puerto Rico and Colombia the celebration of their dreams
Milwaukee senior citizens celebrate long-awaited quinceañera

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — The quinceañera is a rite of passage in the Latino community.

At the age of 15, a young girl celebrates her birthday and the beginning of her journey into becoming a young woman.

Many of our community's seniors didn’t get the chance when they were young because of their family situations like economic hardships, where they need to grow up faster than planned.

“They never celebrated my 15th birthday and I always wanted it because I saw other girls have their parties and it made me sad that I didn’t have the same experience,” said Nilda Quiroz.

Nilda Quiroz
Nilda Quiroz just got the chance to celebrate her Quinceañera, after missing the chance when she was a teenager.

The United Community Center wanted to change that by giving 9 seniors from Mexico, Puerto Rico and Colombia the celebration they always dreamed of.

“I’m so happy because I never thought I would have the chance to celebrate my 15th birthday,” said Gloria Posada.

Gloria Posada
Gloria Posada was so excited to finally celebrate her 15th birthday, all these years later.

Posada and Quiroz are two of the lucky ladies that got to participate in some of the traditional quinceañera activities, including the formal procession and waltz, all while wearing hand-sewn dresses created by their fellow seniors.

Watch: Milwaukee seniors finally celebrate rite of passage after missing the chance as teens.

Milwaukee senior citizens celebrate long-awaited quinceañera

“It’s emotional, it’s marvelous, everything the center did for us,” said Posada.

“To have my birthday, along with all the other people, they made everything so pretty, I’m so happy, especially to do it with the other women,” said Quiroz.

The women say the day is something they will never forget.

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