MILWAUKEE — Voters in Milwaukee's East Side and Riverwest neighborhoods will decide who will represent them at City Hall in just one week.
Residents are eager to learn more about the two candidates vying for a seat on the Common Council: Alex Bower and Daniel Bauman.
"I’m going to do a little more homework," voter Brad Bilgo said.
Bilgo has lived on the East Side for more than two decades and his family owns Riverside Automotive on North Oakland Avenue.

Like many other residents, Bilgo came to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church for a candidate forum ahead of Election Day on April 1.

"We'll probably do this and then go early vote tomorrow,” voter Erin Grace said.

This special election comes after the death of Alderman Jonathan Brostoff in November.
Grace said she was a big fan of Alderman Brostoff’s approach to leading the district and wants to see some of those same qualities in the next alderman.
"I want someone who both is a collaborator with the mayor, the county executive and the government, but also has principles and is responsive to local constituents," she said.
Grace would like to see reckless driving addressed in the district.
"Biggest for us is speeding at our corner because we're right by the university and it's at the bottom of two hills," Grace explained.
Meanwhile, Bilgo wants the next alderman to focus on crime reduction.
"I just wish that the neighborhoods felt a little safer. I think we've had our little share of crime,” Bilgo said.
He said he wants the East Side to thrive.
“I love the East Side," Bilgo said.
Watch: Milwaukee voters prepare for special common council election
TMJ4 asked both candidates what they plan to tackle if they’re elected onto the Common Council.
“I’m going to continue to push on making safer streets in this district. Alderman Brostoff was a champion for that, and we need to do that. If we can’t do it on the city-wide basis, as a whole I want the 3rd district to be a place where people generally have to expect to slow their vehicles down if they want to drive through dense residential areas,” 3rd District candidate, Daniel Bauman said.

“One thing we’re looking to do is roll out a quality-of-life survey,” 3rd District candidate, Alex Brower said. “I intend to tackle a bunch of things including a pile of liquor licenses there. From the mundane stuff like making sure these potholes get filled to big picture things like tackling the cost of living and replacing We Energies.”

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