A Wisconsin woman, lucky deer antler in hand, speared a 92-pound sturgeon on Lake Winnebago Saturday.
Yes, you read correctly. Brandi Lefeber walked from her family farm to her tent shanty on Lake Winnebago for the opening of sturgeon spearing season, and got the catch of a lifetime.

Lefeber says this is the biggest sturgeon she's ever speared, and she's been spearing since 1997.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural resources says conditions were not ideal for the opening of the 2020 Lake Winnebago System spearing season, but clearly that did not stop Lefeber.
Those conditions, including poor water clarity and snowstorm-related issues, resulted in lagged harvest numbers on both Lake Winnebago and the Upriver lakes. The DNR also says the shanty count was considerably less this year than last year.
To learn more about sturgeon spearing, visit the DNR's website.