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Wisconsin ranked No. 10 among states people moved out of in 2017

Did the cold scare everyone away?
Wisconsin ranked No. 10 among states people moved out of in 2017
and last updated

Was the cold too much to handle in 2017? Fifty-five percent of the moves in Wisconsin last year were outbound, placing the state at number 10 on the Top 10 Outbound States in United Van Lines' 41st Annual National Movers Study. 

United Van Lines tracks their customer's moving patterns each year. The study looks at the total amount of moves in each state to determine inbound and outbound rates.

States with 55 percent or more of the moves leaving the state are considered "high outbound," and those with 55 percent or more of the moves into the state are "high inbound."

Wisconsin is a new addition to the list, coming in at exactly 55 percent, so why did so many people leave the state last year?

There could be many reasons. Across all regions of the U.S., nearly one in five of the people who moved out of their state in 2017, moved to be closer to family. 

University of California economist Michael Stoll sees a distinct migration pattern.  

"This year's data reflects longer-term trends of movement to the western and southern states, especially to those where housing costs are relatively lower, climates are more temperate and job growth has been at or above the national average," Stoll said.

That means it wasn't that our cheese was too stinky or our cows weren't happy enough.

States with the highest inbound rates were mainly in the Mountain West, with 54 percent of the moves coming into the region.

Overall, the top state people moved into last year was Vermont, and the top state people moved out of was Illinois at 63 percent. So that right there should make Wisconsinites feel a little better.  

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