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Wisconsin congressmen discuss President Biden's State of the Union Address

Wisconsin Republican Congressman Scott Fitzgerald and Democratic Congressman Mark Pocan joined TMJ4 News from the nation's capitol to discuss President Biden's speech.

MILWAUKEE — President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union Address Tuesday evening. He says the country's economy is getting better, but there's still work to be done.

Tuesday night, President Biden told Congress in a 75-minute speech that inflation is going down, but is still too high. 12 million new jobs have been added in his first two years.

He did get strong pushback from Republicans when he suggested some wanted to hold the economy hostage instead of automatically raising the national debt ceiling.

Wisconsin Republican Congressman Scott Fitzgerald from Juneau and Democratic Congressman Mark Pocan from Madison joined TMJ4 News from the nation's capitol to discuss President Biden's speech.

You can watch their full conversation with TMJ4'S Chief Political Charles Benson in the video at the top of this article.

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will be in Wisconsin on Wednesday. The White House announced the two will be in Madison where the president will promote his economic agenda. His administration has also said this is part of their country-wide "blitz" to showcase the president's plan on creating jobs and rebuilding infrastructure.

TMJ4's Charles Benson will be in Madison on Wednesday to cover the president's visit. You can catch our full coverage live Wednesday evening on TMJ4 News at 6 p.m.

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