MILWAUKEE — After a wild week of heavy rain and tornadoes, the flooding is still effecting the area. Fast and high waters are running over the banks of the Milwaukee River. In Saukville, it means flooded parks and road closures.
In Shorewood, some trails are underwater. The paths that run along Estabrook Park behind the beer garden are flooded.

"It's not as high as it was yesterday," said Harold Schmidt, who volunteers at Estabrook Park.
"Its wet. But it's nice," said Justin Dzelzkalns who was walking along the trail.

According to Schmidt, the river usually only gets this level during the spring thaw and this looks worse.
"The last couple of days its kind of a mess. The lower trail in underwater in lots of areas," said Schmidt. "Seen it high but this is about as high as I have ever seen it."
It's not just along the river, but also down by Lake Michigan.
"The water is so high," said Christina Woodall.
She grew up near the lake and was suprised to see parts of the Bradford Beach parking lot were shut down. The Milwaukee County Parks say it is because the high waters have eroded it away this week. It is trying to figure out a short term fix to save the parking lot.
"I've never seen it like this it's like disappearing," said Woodall.
Eventually, the full parking lot will need to be replaced.