Voters will decide on Tuesday whether the Wisconsin office of State Treasurer should be eliminated.
The position was established in 1848 and is currently held by Republican Matt Adamczyk. But even he says he wants to see the job eliminated.
"We don't have anything left to do in the office," he said. "I guess the question is why would we keep it?"
Adamczyk is currently the only person in the office after he says he let go of the other three employees. He says he's been working to eliminate his own job since he took office.
Both branches of the state legislature have already voted to eliminate the office, but the voters get the final say.
There is also a strong campaign to keep the office intact, ran by former GOP State Treasurer Jack Voight.
"The treasurer can be the fiscal watchdog of our state and that person should be doing the fiscal watchdog," said Voight. "That to me is priceless."
He said eliminating the office gives more power to the executive branch of government.
"No governor, politician or political party should be above our state constitution," said Voight. "I really believe this whole referendum is about control over taxpayer money, not about for example duties of the office."
Right now, the only constitutional responsibility of the current state treasurer is serving on the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands. Adamcyzk currently makes about $70,000 a year.
"It's not going to save billions of dollars but it will save taxpayers money," he said. "It's a much better idea to take that money and either return it to the taxpayers or use it somewhere else in the state government where we had more need."
If the office is eliminated, the lieutenant governor would take over the one current responsibility of the state treasurer.