

Vandals target Racine County park

Caledonia-Mount Pleasant Memorial Park tagged

Police are looking for the individuals responsible for vandalizing the Caledonia-Mount Pleasant Memorial Park this week.

The vandals tagged walls on park bathrooms and information kiosks with crowns and the term “plus one."

Park manager Jim Svoboda is understandably upset.

"We're hoping someone talks, to come out now and see this, it's saddening, it really is," Svoboda said. "We're just a park, there's nothing out here that normally happens like this."

Don Miller, who lives near the park, finds the display offensive.

"It's terrible, you shouldn't be ruining stuff like that," Miller said.

Caledonia police believe the suspects are juveniles. If caught, the individuals will be fined more than $450.

"Well I hope they catch them, make the parents pay for it and the kids pay for it somehow," Miller said.

The commumnity is coming forward to help with repairs. Svboda says a local man has decided to repaint the graffiti for free.

And contractors from Sherman Williams were looking at the damage Friday and plan to provid the materials at cost.

"We're happy that Sherman Williams is stepping forward, Mike stepping forwardm and it's a cool thing for us because the parks budgets are real tight. We're not going to tolerate this here. don't try to do it again because we're going to catch you," Svoboda said.

Caledonia police urge anyone with information about who's responsible for this vandalism to contact them at (262) 835-4423.