

Trial begins for Oconomowoc woman accused of killing husband, hiding body

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The trial of a Oconomowoc woman accused of killing her husband and then hiding his body in the basement of the family home began Wednesday in a Waukesha County courtroom.

Amy Van Wagner is accused of shooting her husband Stan in May of 2015.

Prosecutors allege that she killed her husband on a Friday and didn’t report it until Sunday, when she said she found his body. The state says that Stan Van Wagner was killed while on his computer shortly before 3 in the morning.

They are basing their timeline on technical evidence that the computer stopped when it was struck by a bullet during the shooting.

Defense attorneys dispute that Stan was killed on Friday. Attorney John Shiro says that the Waukesha County Medical Examiner will say that forensic reports show Stan was killed Saturday.

The trial continues Thursday in Waukesha. The court has blocked out three weeks for the remainder of the trial. 

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