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Student Athlete of the Week: Sana Abubaker

Freshman basketball player for the Salam Stars
Posted 2:17 AM, Feb 19, 2020
and last updated 7:54 PM, Feb 19, 2020

MILWAUKEE — Sana Abubaker is a freshman at Salam School, who has found herself on the basketball court.

"I grew up watching basketball, but I never thought I would play it,” said Sana.

Now a member of the Stars, her love for basketball easily evolved.

“You have a problem, you go to your team. You have exciting news you go to your team. So I definitely think just the bond you form is a special bond,” said Sana.

That bond has made attending high school a little bit easier.

"I’m able to play all these sports i love, with the people I love, who understand exactly what I’m going through. It's truly an amazing experience,” said Sana.

Sana doesn't just flourish on the court, as an honors student with a 4.1 GPA; she also succeeds in the classroom.

“My mom's a math teacher, so I feel like I have to say math. But I actually do enjoy math class. The AP human geography class is actually really interesting and I’m enjoying it a lot,” said Sana.

Interested in a variety of subjects, for now Sana sees herself in the medical field.

"I like a lot of things, but I’m thinking of going somewhere into like medicine; maybe a pediatrician,” said Sana.

With three more years of high school and at least 4 more years of college, Sana knows her love for knowledge will help pursue her passion in life.

"I enjoy learning new things, so I don't think I'll mind it," said Sana.

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