Students at St. Anthony High School are grieving sophomore Lisandra Munoz-Sanchez and hoping for the best for her brother Ivan, a senior at the school.
"A lot of students were still in shock because both Ivan and Lisandra were both here yesterday," said Lead Administrator at St. Anthony High School Chris Joch.
School let out at 3:30 p.m. Monday. The 18-year-old crashed the SUV minutes later near South 13th Street and Bolivar Avenue. The Medical Examiner's report says the teen was street racing when the driver lost control trying to brake for a cement truck. Lisandra died at the scene. Her brother was taken to the hospital and then arrested. He now faces charges for reckless homicide. Shock, sadness and concern filled the halls at St. Anthony Tuesday.
"I saw Lisandra just about every day coming to school and leaving. I would characterize her as being very warm and friendly. A true representation of a student here at St. Anthony's High School," Joch said.
The 16-year-old touched many lives.
"Relationships that she built with students not just in her immediate circle of friends, but students that are older that may have been her brother's friends, but also students that are freshman," Joch said.
The victim's family lives in Alderman Jose Perez's district.
"It's a tragic loss and we're thinking about them," he said.
After learning speed is what caused the tragic accident, the alderman wants people to take his words to heart.
"One of the major complaints we get regarding public safety in our office is reckless driving in the neighborhood and we need everyone to slow down," said Alderman Jose Perez.
The tight-knit student body at St. Anthony's will together take one day at a time.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and we'll do whatever we can to support them through this challenging times," Joch said.
The school is planning a mass to honor Lisandra. Her funeral is scheduled for Friday.
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