
Search for armed suspect in Town of Eagle ends; suspect still considered a threat

Posted 3:37 AM, Jun 07, 2018
and last updated 3:38 AM, Jun 07, 2018

Law enforcement in the Town of Eagle have stopped their search for an armed suspect, saying they believe he left the area after a violent domestic incident Tuesday afternoon where at least one shot was fired.

Jonathan Pogreba is now facing multiple charges connected to domestic abuse of his wife. Court records say he pointed a gun at her and his son. The teen fired a rifle at his dad who then ran away.

“We have received some credible leads that lead us to believe the suspect is no longer in southeastern Wisconsin,” said Waukesha County Sheriff Eric Severson.

That's news that families in Eagle, especially those living right in the search area, like Mike Jobke’s family, have been waiting for.

“Last night, we have a 2-story house, I slept on the couch. I was worried if the guy came by and broke in on the first floor that I wouldn’t hear him,” said Mike Jobke.

Mike Jobke says his small children climbed into bed with mom because they were scared.

“We have had SWAT vehicles outside the front of my house. I live right off Wilton. I have had drones above our house, helicopters above our house,” said Jobke.

A waitress at Rustic in downtown Eagle said people were scared to walk to their cars last night. But Maria Kulick was not just worried, she was shocked. She went to school with the Pogreba family and has interacted with Jonathon Pogreba.

“He was super nice, i talked to him, seemed super nice. The kids are nice, talked to the mom, she’s nice. So I was really blown away,” said Kulick.

The sheriff said even though he is not in the area Jonathon Pogreba is still a threat.

“Based on his actions last night, yes, we consider him dangerous,” said Severson.

School resumes Thursday for Palmayra-Eagle School District. It is the last day before summer break.