
Report details 'shocking and reckless' hit and run crash numbers in Milwaukee


A Milwaukee Alderman will bring what he called "shocking and reckless behavior" before the city's Public Safety and Health Committee.

Alderman Terry Witkowski said he is concerned by the number of hit and run crashes in the city in the last five years. 

Thursday, Witkowski will speak in front of the committee and cite recent numbers provided by the state's Legislative Reference Bureau and based on statistics from the Milwaukee Police Department.

Witkowski says hit and run crashes accounted for 29 percent of all crashes in 2017, at a total of 4,755.

"At least a quarter of our accidents here in the city are hit and run crashes," said Witkowski. 

He hopes a public campaign about the dangers and consequences of hit and run crashes will help bring the numbers down.

"If these things happen and people just shrug their shoulders, it's not going to stop the problem," Witkowski said. 

Sharon Tyler, whose dad was killed in a hit and run crash last year, is pleading for the public to listen to the dangers.

"I want people to really take it to heart and say, how would you feel if one of your loved ones was hit,  how would you feel if one of your loved ones was left in the street for dead. I want people to care and not just think this is another story" said Tyler.

Andrew Tyler was a popular crossing guard who died in December of 2017 after being hit by a car in November. 

The Public Safety and Health Committee meets Thursday at 9 a.m. in room 301-B at Milwaukee City Hall.