MADISON, Wis. — Bascom Hill will soon be covered in loads of plastic lawn flamingos because of the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association's (WFAA) 10th annual Fill the Hill event.
For each gift given during Fill the Hill, a flamingo will be put on Bascom Hill. Fill the Hill's purpose is to show how private support helps UW-Madison. Fill the Hill is the largest day-of-giving initiative during the university's annual fall campaign.

According to a news release, over the past 10 years of Fill the Hill, more than 11,750 gifts have been made, raising more than $2,040,000. In 2021 alone, donors gave more than $436,000 through 2,238 gifts.
A 10-year celebration will also take place. This celebration includes activities and giveaways for students. To participate, stop by Bascom Hill from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 21.

Flamingos became a symbol of UW–Madison’s unique spirit in 1979 when students from the Pail and Shovel student political organization planted more than 1,000 plastic birds on Bascom Hill.
Those who donate $250 or more will receive their own plastic lawn flamingo.
Calls for donations will begin on Oct. 20 and flamingos will start to appear on Bascom Hill at 5 a.m. on Oct. 21. The event will conclude at 5 p.m. on Oct. 21.
Bringing back the flamingoes allows for unity between alumni, students, staff, and friends. With that unity, the goal is to inspire others to support UW-Madison's mission.

This year, WFAA is encouraging the UW community to go "flamingoing" by posting pictures in a flamingo pose. If you go flamingoing, be sure to use the #uwflamingos on whichever social media platform you post the photos on.
For more information, you can visit the UW Flamingos website.