Alfonso Morales has been the Milwaukee Police interim chief for a week now, and he is still getting used to the new title.
"It's a humbling position to be born in this city to be raised in this city and mentored in this city and to see what my vision was. Years ago verses and where my vision is now is just amazing," Morales said.
Morales never thought of becoming an officer let alone becoming Milwaukee's top cop. But he credits his career path to a high school basketball coach encouraging him to go to college and college counselors turning him towards a degree in criminal justice.
From captain to interim chief, Morales knows there is a lot to do and he is ready for the challenge.
"Community policing has to be institutionalized from the academy," he said. "When you come on this job that is something you are going to be taught."
Rebuilding the community's trust in the men and women who serve and protect is a top priority.
"Every contact can be a positive contact even when you respond during a time of crisis. It comes down to how we communicate with one another," Morales said.
Morales also knows that resources will need to be shifted to handle the challenges of an increase in reckless drivers and the uptick of stolen vehicles.
"I intend to do that through our special investigations unit. Addressing that 10 percent of the problem," he said.
When it comes to seeing a department that reflects the community it serves, he says he is committed to diversity.
"I want a diverse executive staff that can make decisions," he said.
The chief's job is not partisan and Morales plans to keep it that way.
"Its more about relationships if I can establish relationships in Madison in Milwaukee through our system partners our intergovernmental partners to get what I need done with the police department and make the community a safer place. Live, work and raise a family, that is what I am going to do," he said.