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Milwaukee's Riverwest on alert after random paintball attacks

Posted 3:14 AM, Nov 20, 2019
and last updated 4:22 AM, Nov 20, 2019

MILWAUKEE — A neighborhood under attack from paintballs. Someone Riverwest captured this car driving around shooting people with paintballs during the day.

"I was shoveling some of the leaves on top and all of a sudden I felt a pain. I realized paintball and I just got hit by a driveby," said Brett Bennett.

These photos show a car driving through the Riverwest neighborhood this afternoon, with at least one person inside shooting paintballs.

"They came twice for me. Once I was here and I got hit in my butt. Then they drove around and a minute or two later they came back and shot again. Which was on the lightpost," said Bennett.

He wasn't the only victim. We found people cleaning up cars and houses with paint on them.

"Three other people I talked to while I was raking the yard got hit as well. One guy got hit three times," said Bennett.

In April 2018, a paintball war broke out across the city. Milwaukee Police dealt with hundreds of incidents where people and property were shot at random. It was sparked by social media movement encouraging paintballs over guns.

But people in Riverwest who came home to the paint, aren't sure what caused this latest round of shooting. They want it stopped.

"Its upsetting, absolutely," said Sarah Beyler, house hit by paint.

"There is kids, there's animals, there's dogs. There are people elderly out here. Why are you going around destroying the public?" asked Bennett.

Bennett said he has reported the paintball incident to police. Milwaukee Police did not respond to any of our messages for a comment.