MILWAUKEE — A house filled with love has now officially become a house filled with family.
After opening her heart and house to six boys years ago, Jessica Benzakein finally gets to call them “sons.”
In the Benzakein household, there’s a special type of chaos: Constant laughs, shouting and play. Most importantly, there’s love.

It’s been normal here since 2015 when Benzakein took in six boys, Carter, 14, Sidney, 13, Buddy, 8, Kendrich, 6, T.J., 4, and Will, 17.
The six were also welcome and embraced by Benzakein’s biological children Eli and Brenna.
“I need them. They keep me grounded still,” she explained.

A perfectly, imperfect family, bound together by love and now, by law.
“Do you think it’s in their best interest that you be their mom?” asked Hon. Mark A. Sanders in court Friday.
Benzakein responded, “I think we are pretty good together.”
The judge, with help from the siblings pounded the gavel making the adoption official.
“I was surprised I made it through,” said Sidney, 13.
Back at the house, TODAY’S TMJ4 spoke with Sidney Brunner, who decided to keep his original last name post-adoption.
“I’m just glad I’m in a good situation,” Brunner said.
With everything official, the kids celebrated with McDonald’s and cartoons... and the signature family “chaos.”
A new “normal” this family will enjoy for years to come.
If this story inspires you to foster a child, click on this link to learn more.