NewsLocal News


Man charged for stealing packages from East Side residents' front porches

The man has been caught stealing packages before

A Milwaukee man has been charged in two cases of package theft.

On Thurs, Feb. 15, Harold Earl arrived at 2710 North Farwell Ave. 10 minutes after a package was delivered on the front porch.

Surveillance video at the home shows Earl pull up to the house in a silver Chevy Malibu with a painted-over black front driver's side door, walk up to the door and leave with the package.

Earl may be fined up to $10,000, face nine months behind bars or both for this Class A Misdemeanor.

Just one day earlier, the same car was spotted at an apartment building at 1818 North Water St. where another package was stolen.

This is another Class A Misdemeanor with fines up to $10,000, nine months in jail or both.

Milwaukee Police Officers traced the vehicle back to its owner, who is the girlfriend of Earl.

She told police that Earl was recently released from the House of Corrections earlier this month for stealing packages off of other people's doorsteps.