

Kid entrepreneur brings Phresh Lemonade to Juneteenth Festival

Princeton Hollins started Phresh Lemonade with his dad, Teon.
Posted at 6:44 AM, Jun 19, 2024

MILWAUKEE — On a hot muggy day, there is nothing better than a glass of fresh lemonade.

Phresh Lemonade, spelled with a "Ph," is Princeton Hollins' business, He started it with the help of his dad, Teon, as a way to provide his local neighborhood with a delicious drink.

Princeton Hollins started Phresh Lemonade with his dad, Teon.
Princeton Hollins started Phresh Lemonade with his dad, Teon.

"I decided to make a lemonade stand to give to the community that stuff when it was hot outside," said Princeton.

"I was happy, I was excited because, you know, as a parent, we don’t want to just give, we want them to earn it," said Teon.

After selling at local kickball games and smaller events, Phresh Lemonade will now be a vendor at the Juneteenth Festival.

"This is our first big event. Wo we’re working overtime to make more lemonade," said Teon.

Princeton and Teon said they have about 250 bottles ready to go and they are still making more.

"I’ve been having to take the time to do everything," said Princeton.

"It’s definitely gonna be a great experience for him as well and then to see everybody come out, support every vendor as well, not just us," said Teon.

They hope to attract new customers and sell out at the festival but Teon said no matter what happens, he is still proud of his son.

"The lessons he has learned during this business venture makes me and his mom feel good," said Teon. "This is just to show him how to properly have a running business as a kid, how to have money management, how to, you know, just put back into his business with inventory and stuff like that, so we’ve just been teaching him the correct way."

Phresh Lemonade booth is located at 329 Martin Luther King Drive.

To follow Phresh Lemonade on Instagram, click here.

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