KENOSHA, Wis. — The City of Kenosha considered an application for memorial in honor of Anthony Huber, one of two men shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during unrest in Kenosha.
City documentsshow Huber's former girlfriend, Hannah Gittings, is asking for a memorial tree and marker at Anderson Park, on the city's south side. If approved, Gittings would be on the hook to pay for it.
The Kenosha Common Council's Parks Commission met to consider the proposal during a Monday meeting. Commissioners tabled the proposal, which requires them to vote to put the item back on a future agenda. They are currently not taking action on it.
During public comment at the meeting on Monday, speakers noted Huber's criminal history as their reason for opposing the proposal.
"Don't play games. Deny this," Kevin Mathewson said during public comment.
"I don't think it's right to memorialize someone who is a criminal who didn't live here," said Amber Hand.
"Of all the bonehead things that to guys could consider please don't consider this," said Kathy Woods.
Huber pleaded guilty to misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct - Domestic Abuse, Repeater in 2018, and has faced other criminal charges, according to online court records.
Huber and Gittings were in Kenosha protesting the police shooting of Jacob Blake when Rittenhouse opened fire, hitting and killing Huber. During Rittenhouse's trial, his defense argued Huber attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard, and Rittenhouse killed Huber in self-defense. The prosecution, and Gittings, argued Huber was trying to disarm Rittenhouse. The jury ended up finding Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts.
"I'm inclined to deny this, but if we did deny this we're also opening up the city because in the past we have not followed this thing...never checked any backgrounds," said Alderperson Jan Michalski. "The family, Hannah Gittings and all that might have grounds for another lawsuit because they’re being treated differently than we have any of the others that have come forward."
"We take no action. The applicant doesn't get her way for the foreseeable future. Speaking for myself let the lawsuit play out and then we can come back in a different position," said Alderperson and Parks Commission Chair Eric Haugaard.
TMJ4 News reached out to Gittings and Huber's family for comment but did not hear back.

"I'm on my back and Mr. Huber runs up," said Rittenhouse while testifying in his own defense. "As I'm getting up, he strikes me in the neck with his skateboard for a second time. He grabs my gun and I can feel it pulling away from me. And I can feel the strap starting to come off my body."
"He [Rittenhouse] thought he was above the law anyways. That's how it's always been. He got out on bail. Had he had been a black man, he wouldn't have got out," said Huber's father, John, following the verdict.
In August of 2021, Huber's parentsfiled a civil suit in federal court. They're suing the Kenosha Police and Sheriff's departments, alleging they allowed Rittenhouse to harm peaceful protesters. An attorney for Kenosha County previously stated the allegations against the sheriff's department are false.
During the meeting on Monday, commissioners noted that the lawsuit is a reason they are tabling the controversial memorial for Huber.