MAYFIELD, Kentucky — A beautiful Victorian-era home that once stood tall in Mayfield, Kentucky now lies in disarray after it took a direct hit by a tornado Friday night.
"We went down into our cellar with our dog and I will never forget the sound," said DJ Swant.
Swant had just enough cell service to talk to TMJ4 over the phone. She says she had been living in that home for the past six years, but was originally born and raised in Wisconsin. Now, the former Milwaukee County healthcare administrator is living through one of the most violent storms she's ever seen.
"There was a beautiful balcony upstairs that is gone. Driving through town it looks like a war zone," said Swant.
Swant says on top of the roof of her home being torn off, the inside of her house is full of broken glass trees and other debris is lying everywhere.
"We have to fix enough things so the roof doesn't leak, and board up the windows and doors," said Swant.
The tornado has killed more than 70 people in Kentucky.
"It's very heartbreaking and then you think about all the lives that are lost. Our roof and our yard and things can be fixed and it's stuff we can fix that. There are so many people that have things that can't be fixed," said Swant.
And now thousands are without heat, water, or electricity.
"We have a generator so we have electricity, but no water. We have some space heaters that we have put in the house and we have gas fireplaces so that helps," said Swant.
Despite everything, Swant says she's moved by all of the help she's received from family, friends, and even strangers.
"It's amazing how people from other areas are coming in and saying what can we do and they are helping," said Swant.